Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In our history classes and many other situations time is explained as a line with dates on it identifying significant events.  I learned years ago that in some culture time is seen as a circle that cycles around every year or month.  School life is more cyclic as we repeat at the beginning of each term a similar routine.  "Please, introduce yourself,"," My name is blah-blah-blah and I'm majoring in Blah-blah."

Just call me Denvy. I'll answer and you don't have to be concerned about another "Denvy" answering in lieu of me.  Google Denvy.  There aren't many out there.  I've lived in eight different decades and was born about the time the word computer was applied to devices that did computing and started working with them about the time universities and the government were starting to use them, so I will have a couple stories to share with you.  I'm an Alaskan born in North Dakota.  One of my greatest passions is working with college students so they will earn an "A."  Plan to be one of those students.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Every sunrise has its own day, every day has adventures waiting for us, and every adventure is filled with potential for great things, or not such great things. Adventures are fun and filled with people, action and new discoveries. For several hours each week for a half score of weeks, one of the adventures is spent with me.

A couple things happen on opening day. We get to know each other and a bit about what we can and can't do now, in our past and in our future. We turned on the Mac's when our hands were accustomed to PC's, we wrote on a SmartBoard which was more magic then smart, and we tried to drag the page up and down on that board as if it were an iPad as we presented what we discovered at bighugelabs.com.

We are ready to reach to our expectations when we serve as teachers now and in the future. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to check out go2web20.net and review at least two applications, and then included your review in your blog.